Training for Organisations

Domestic violence and abuse affects one in four women in Ireland.

Anyone working with women can encounter domestic abuse through their work, whether you are in a public sector organisation, a community or voluntary organisation or private company.

Women’s Aid training provides professionals with an opportunity to learn more how their response can contribute to a survivor’s journey to safety and wellbeing.

I found the course very informative. I think it is imperative that any professional who may come in contact with domestic violence abuse survivors receive this training. The training is necessary and so worthwhile.
– Participant Feedback

Why your organisation needs domestic violence and abuse training

Experiences of domestic abuse cannot be separated out from other issues that women present with when seeking support and services from a range of professionals and agencies.

For example, we know that:

Apart from the course content which was excellent, the presentation style and structure and layout of the presentation (including breakout rooms, chat box and polls) were very professional and slick. Well done to all involved and thank you for this extra knowledge which will allow me to be more confident in recognising and dealing with such issues in my day to day work.
– Participant Feedback

Victim/survivors are active help seekers and will seek support from a myriad of agencies for a range of issues that are caused by or intersect with domestic abuse.

The responses that victim/survivors receive when seeking initial support from any service or institution can have a major impact on their safety and well-being, and that of their children.

The Women’s Aid Training and Development Department offers a number of training programmes and awareness events for organisations.  These can be delivered in person or online.

Training Options for Organisations

This training is a foundational programme to enable participants to recognise and respond to adult victims/survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

On completion of this training, participants will have:

  • increased their knowledge about the pattern of behaviour that characterises domestic abuse.
  • increased their knowledge of the impacts of domestic abuse on victims/survivors.
  • learn how professionals can contribute to victim/survivor safety and well-being, including referral to specialist domestic abuse services.

This training is suitable for anyone whose work role brings them into contact with a woman who could be subjected to abuse.

This training is particularly suitable to anyone who works with families and is focused on:

  • understanding how women and their children are impacted by experiences of domestic abuse and;
  • how to respond to the adult survivor while keeping the best interests of children at the centre of practice.

The programme includes:

  • the foundational curriculum on recognising and responding to the adult survivor and;
  • how the perpetrator’s pattern of behaviour impacts on children’s safety and well-being and on women’s mothering.

Participants will increase their understanding about how to apply this knowledge in practice by focusing on how they can collaborate with the adult survivor in the best interests of the children.


Women’s Aid provide awareness raising sessions to a range of statutory, community and voluntary organisations, networks and communities.

The focus of a session is to provide information about domestic abuse and about the specialist domestic violence services across Ireland.

We are happy to discuss your bespoke domestic abuse training needs not covered by any of the previous categories.  Get in touch today using the enquiry form below.

This training was one of the most impactful I have done to date, perfect balance of information sharing and interaction in a really practical, meaningful way. Thank you.
– Participant Feedback

Ready to book or simply want to learn more?

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